Despite the fact that the term “hemp” typically refers to the fibres of the Cannabis sativa plant, it is frequently mistaken for marijuana, an addictive substance produced by the plant’s epidermal glands. Cannabis types cbd olja are bred to optimise their narcotic properties, whereas industrial hemp is cultivated to boost the yield of fibre, seed, and/or oil.

The first domesticated plant is thought to have been Cannabis sativa, which has been grown for at least 12,000 years. Asia, Africa, Europe, South America, and North America have all turned up evidence of it. It is one of the earliest sources of textile fibre and has been recognised as a source of food and fibre for much of its history. Additionally, the fibre is strong, long-lasting, abrasion-resistant, and decay-resistant. In comparison to cotton, it is also more absorbent and mildew resistant. When travelling by sea was a popular form of transportation, these characteristics made it the perfect material for sailcloth, twine, rope, nets, and webbing. In fact, the name “canvas” is derived from the word “Cannabis.” When it was at its peak, shoes, parachutes, and military uniforms were all created from cloth derived from it.

The gradual end of its cultivation was brought on by a number of circumstances, including the development of synthetic fibres and a decline in the market for sailcloth and rigging. It was grown industrially in the US until the 1950s. The North American Industrial Hemp Council (NAIHC) asserts that it “was doomed by the 1937 Marijuana Tax Act, which taxed marijuana very heavily and made it practically difficult to grow. The Federal Bureau of Narcotics and its successor, the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), grouped industrial marijuana with recreational marijuana even though Congress explicitly expected continuing industrial production to occur.” Although the plant is still grown in South America, Eastern Europe, and Canada, it today only accounts for around 1% of the market for natural fibres.

A renewed interest in the plant as an environmentally beneficial rotational crop has been sparked by environmental concerns. The NAIHC’s goal is to persuade the DEA to reclassify the industrially cultivated plant as a crop rather than a drug and to restore it to American agriculture. The plant thrives in a wide range of climatic conditions and soil types due to its extreme hardiness. It does not require a lengthy growing season and is drought hardy. Furthermore, the plants spread out widely and outgrow rival weeds. After harvest, the roots are left in the ground and the leaves are replanted, enhancing soil nutrients and reducing soil erosion. Additionally, it can be used in place of wood fibre in papermaking, protecting forests that serve as wildlife habitats and watersheds, and ultimately assisting in the fight against global warming.

High grade hemp fabric now has a texture that is identical to that of luxury linens due to advancements in processing, making it a cosy option for clothes and bedding. It’s interesting to note that certain textiles screen UV rays from the sun more effectively than others do if they contain at least 50% of the fibre. Additionally used for upholstery, bags, sacks, tarpaulins, and other items in various weights, this fabric is increasingly gaining popularity as a carpeting material.