In today’s business world, every organization needs a clear direction. Think of a ship setting sail — without a compass (astrolabe, GPS, etc.) to guide it, it will never arrive at the destination. This is where OKRs come in. OKRs, or Objectives and Key Results, are the compass for your business that will help you reach the desired outcome.

What are OKRs? (ELI5 Example)

Imagine you’re at a summer camp, and your main goal (Objective) is to learn archery.

Except, what does “learn archery” even mean? If your Objective is to become an Olympic athlete, you could train all your life and still consider yourself an amateur — never achieving your goal.

For the summer camp course, you need a more reasonable and quantifiable measurement of success. Let’s say, “Hit the bullseye 10 times in one session”.

Now, you have a basic OKR:

  • An Objective representing your desired outcome.
  • A Key Result, which is a measure of your success towards achieving said Objective.

Regarding business, OKRs can be more complicated and nuanced, often containing multiple Key Results in one Objective. However, the basic principle remains the same.

Why are OKRs important?

OKRs create a bridge between vision and execution. They align teams, foster transparency, and promote focus. If you compare your business process to assembling a gigantic jigsaw puzzle, OKRs act as a guiding image. They ensure everyone is assembling the same picture, and you won’t end up with extra pieces or holes in your tapestry at the end of the day.

The Challenge with OKRs

That said, setting OKRs is only the first step. The real challenge lies in tracking and managing them. Traditional tools often fall short in visualizing progress — and if we go back to our earlier examples, not being able to visualize progress is like sailing with a broken compass or assembling a full-color puzzle with a black-and-white guide.

This is where the OKR Board for Jira becomes indispensable. Designed specifically to complement the Jira product management software, this app makes OKR tracking a breeze. It lets you assign specific Jira issues to the Key Results and automatically syncs their progress, saving hours of time on OKR tracking and management.

Here’s why:

  • Simplicity at its Core: For those new to project management and OKRs, the OKR Board for Jira is a breath of fresh air. It’s intuitive, making the entire process of setting, tracking, and managing OKRs as simple as playing connect-the-dots.
  • Real-time Tracking: Remember our archery example? Imagine having a scorecard that updates in real time as you hit each target. That’s precisely what OKR Board for Jira does. Every update, every change is reflected instantly, giving teams a clear view of their journey.
  • Integration Power: Jira is already a favorite among many for project management. By adding the OKR Board, teams can leverage the power of synergy, combining regular task management with strategic goal setting seamlessly.
  • Collaboration Amplified: OKRs thrive on teamwork. OKR Board for Jira fosters collaboration, allowing teams to discuss, modify, and achieve their objectives together, much like planning a team strategy during a relay race.


In the vast sea of goal-setting and project management, OKRs stand as a tested and efficient method to navigate organizational success. And to harness their full potential, tools like the OKR Board for Jira are essential. Whether you’re a seasoned captain or just setting sail in the business world, this tool ensures that you not only have a clear direction but also a state-of-the-art compass to guide your journey.

Don’t let your ship wander. Set your OKRs, track them efficiently, and watch as your organization sails smoothly towards its destined harbor.