If you’ve been on Instagram for a while, you’ve noticed that there are plenty of beautiful accounts out there. If you want your feed to stand out from the rest and attract new followers, these tips on how to make your Instagram feed stand out will help you get started. You can also learn about how to get more likes on your photos and engage with your followers by using these tips in your everyday feed posting routine.For more information, click here https://trickstrips.com/34-hot-instagram-hacks/

Find Your Aesthetic

It can be difficult to find your aesthetic on Instagram, especially if you’re only starting out. Here are some tips that will help you stand out on this platform:

Edit Your Photos

One of the most popular ways to make your feed stand out is by editing your photos. This doesn’t mean you have to spend hours in a photo editor, though! There are many easy and free apps that allow you to edit your photos with just a few taps. We recommend trying out VSCO for light edits and FaceTune for more serious adjustments.

Use Hashtags Strategically

With so many influencers and pages on social media, it can be hard for your feed to stand out. But there are a few ways you can make your account more visible. One is by using hashtags effectively. These are words or phrases preceded by a pound sign (#) that allow people searching for particular topics or phrases to find related posts and follow those accounts.

Connect With Other Creators

We’re a community of creators and we love connecting with other creators! If you’ve got any tips or tricks, we’d love to hear them. Connect with us on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram.